Introduction of
Social Welfare
Since 1998, Social Welfare education at Sungkonghoe University has trained numerous social workers and practitioners who have positively and significantly impacted our society, at both levels of frontline social work practice addressing the needs of marginalized groups and individuals, as well as policy changes promoting social justice and inclusiveness. Our major engages students to acquire professional skills in well-established methods of practice with individuals, families, and groups in communities and organizations. Our aim is to graduate students with awareness of various dimensions of diversity and how they intersect in an increasingly heterogeneous society. Our major provides an academic environment where students can develop integrated knowledge pertaining to theory, research, practice modalities, and policies that influence the delivery of social services. Graduates are trained to develop an evidenced-based approach to practice with diverse populations in both community and institutional settings.

Introduction of
Economic is the study of economic phenomena. The typical economic phenomena are unemployment, inflation, trade friction, industry change, taxes and ect,, which we encounter through the media everyday. These phenomena caused by human action are different from natural phenomena. In addition, the economic phenomena occur not by an isolated and independent behavior but rather by interactive behavior of many people. Economic phenomena are different from any other phenomena of politics, culture, and religion because they characteristically occur around production. And people make a variety of relationships around production. People cooperate each other when they produce but often disagree when they distribute. Economics tries to answer these questions: ‘How have the relationships among people regarding production historically developed?’ and ‘How can we systematically understand the economic phenomena around us?’ Furthermore, we want to ponder the question together with the students majoring in economics : What kind of effort is needed to improve these economic phenomena?

Introduction of
Political Science & International Relations
Political Diplomacy is a core academic field in the field of social science and consists of the detailed areas of international politics, comparative politics, regional politics, and political thought/theory. In international politics, conflict and cooperation in international relations, such as diplomacy, security, peace, war, international development cooperation, and international organizations, and in comparative politics, various domestic political systems and processes such as countries, governments, parliaments, elections, political parties, public opinion, and NGOs. You will study. In regional politics, you will learn about the politics of various countries and regions such as Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and North Korea, and in political thought/political theory, you will learn the philosophical and historical foundations and research and analysis methods of political diplomacy. Sungkonghoe University’s Political Science & International Relations major focuses on international and comparative politics and develops social scientific analysis capabilities suited to the era of global and digital transformation, and based on this, creates a differentiated academic tradition to cultivate practical talents who can contribute in various fields at home and abroad. To this end, Sungkonghoe University will expand and reorganize the existing political science major into a political diplomacy major starting from the 2024 academic year.

Introduction of
As a social animal, human beings become a human in society and transform the society while they live in society. Due to the fact that all lives of human beings are social, sociology deals with every and each aspect of their lives, and so it is a basic discipline of all social sciences. Sociology is the discipline studying how human social life is maintained, examining how the social lives can be better than the present, and finally providing a practical alternative. Studying sociology is about the better lives and the more mature human beings. Sociology will be an excellent guide in understanding social lives and preparing better lives in the future. Sociology major aims at the following an educational ideals.
Sociology Studies aims at nurturing a talent who can creatively analyze newly emerging our social problems, and comprehensively diagnose complexly interconnected social relations of each and every areas of the society while cherishing the basic values of respecting human beings and their lives. Through an integrated approach to various social problems, students study a better life and a more mature individual and they make a contribution to a community that shares solidarity. In order to achieve the goals mentioned above, Sociology Studies sets the following educational goals. Our goals are to nurture ‘ A Social Impactor,’ who influences society through value oriented activities, ‘A Social Science Communication Innovator,’ who shares social scientific insight with general public and suggest a solution of social problems, and finally ‘An Academic Data Coordinator,’ who systematically excavates, creates, integrates and applies academic data.